We have somehow managed to eschew most of the modern ailments
The iron cuffs that justify a mortgage not a loan
Pining for the close of endless payments
Running for the omnibus from which you have been thrown
Already a rail replacement
The undependable ever-combustible overtaxed automobile vacant
Big screen non-home telephones
Cerebellum complacent

Myopic graphs sent us to this place
Of learning to be subservient
Following the call of the mild
Cherry-picking from the fruits of information
Like academic magpies coveting the light
They pick at the meat until it is digestible
Torn from the bone in handy bite-sized chunks
Aborted in its rescue

Sullen it leaves us lest we extricate
The feeling from the rule of form
The grit within the vaseline
A smudge amidst a mirrored martyrdom


The stand off was surprising for the assorted key holders
The lord mayor was wounded at the knee
A Trombone had been used as missile launcher
While a choir of one was seen to flee
There was havoc on assorted coastal promenades
Recreation park bandstands on fire
A state of declared audio emergency was on the cards
Then someone struck a Lyre

Two nude moons cocooned the universe
Infused with star spun pinkish sunstrokes
Pockmarked with sparks hard darkness immersed
Transpired iridescent from nocturnal cloak
Cataclysm envisioned on Saturns rings
A thousand planets vanished
Reappearing hence all adhering
To the figure of Ganesh

After the logic signal played all heads hung aloft their eyelids
To witness the phenomenal output above
Songs became sentient as selfish strings finger picked
Sonic variations on the subject of love
Triggers were dethroned ensconced amongst luxuriating layers
Of sounds that determined the destinies of galaxies
Music flowed from orchestras benign of human players
And the Earth tumbled from its axis


Slept in cirrus festoons
Captured by black and white wood lined panes
Listening to decades in honour of some cadaver gone
Blissed in infamy
Adds timed change
The sirens are almost an element of the air
Like a cataclysm somehow inhuman
Documents relating to sentimental agents
Decompose the discarded lever arch file of red blotted pages
Underlining the bravest attempts on a life sullied by preamble
Yellow cowardice and peril
Waste basket memoirs of a shrunken giant
Without want of height or heroism
Only made for love

She dreams in spheres unlike our own realm
Awakening wrapped in cling film
Charging siblings and all alone
On a stage
With one boy watching
As if she were
An enlightened angel
Lit from above
Only made for love


Nobody learns from the nymphs lost son
None reflect on vainglorious malady
Everybody churns featureless informants
All must suffer infinite photostat holidays
Poring over blanket reciprocation
Carving out a niche in ones expression
Barely leaves the time for self aberration
Will the mute youth excavate this lesson?
Symposiums beneath all adult indignity
Buried deep under swaying Daffodils
Are recreative malformed propositions
Disguised by a Greek lads mask of thrills
Farewell then to shy retiring pinwheels
Soft nemesis to brazen swell headedness
Goodbye fond swagger of meekly heels
Shuffling with a feint submissiveness
Hail all future kings and prime ministers
May your confidence cripple you clear
Bleeding edge cheekbones could well suffice
Unless artificial intelligentsia drowns in fear


She feasts upon the needs of Queens
Open to mephitic interpretation
Vocalise interior worlds of dreams
The doctor insists without patience

These tall tales are the fodder of agnostics
Preaching feebly to the non anointed
Warm sardonic smiles never caustic
The advice a vague din often pointed

Preserving moisture of every epiphany
Comes the realisation that the status quo
Is a constantly shifting anonymity
Where horses sweat and women glow

No bowing down can curtsey to a lie
That the rules are defined to slaughter
Theirs is not to reason why
As the private taverns dissolve in laughter

Her sweetness fades with frank interrogation
Denying propagation of filthy trying myths
The sessions end with alarming absolution
That the corpses shell will never lift

Waxwing slain
All is vanity


Go to the golden mountain made of silver sand
That is not sure if you have been there in another time forwarded on
Run into the sunlight of earths early cremation society
For with less certainty your name is not yet fully known
Trudge into the well intended sender and immediately notify us
To see if we can get it back safely or not
Scrape thin the same black drive to abomination
That is soon one too many weekends work within an inner scowl
Collapse into the part of the past tense days of this genuine message
That could last a lengthy detour
Dress up like a soft white sex cloud in your touch me softly
Pale pink dressing gown
It was going well a lot less than fog lights in the mirror
Keep calling me thereafter
Then the system went dead
And then we did something that we have since discovered
Has rendered us obsolete
And how we howled down to the grounding of stones used to measure
Reformed meteors mock disaster to our dark globe
They stopped receiving the blank tapes
Sent out to a place unknown